The McKelmann Photoblog

Saturday, October 12th, 2019

And we are back once again…

Tater Tot had to have surgery today, and we have to leave the drainage tubes in for awhile… poor guy.
Holy shit, these chips are hotttttttt
Did a little grocery shopping and they are running a thing where we can buy an already made up bag of food for the needy and they will deliver it for us… it was only $9, so I we thought we would do our part.
Home made pizza tonight for dinner, since I can’t have cheese… but we found some Vegan cheese to sprinkle over our meat!
Avery playing some computer games.
Some little girls ding dong ditched our door today and left these outside… we thought it was cute, then later found out it was a girl that has a crush on Avery.
And here is the finished pizza matched with some dinner drinks… was actually really good!

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