The McKelmann Photoblog

Friday, February 18th, 2022

Walmart delivered Nick some more supplies to work on small engines… different type of hobby for him, but He is really enjoying it.
Fridays afternoons are for the Color Pin League… Because of work, Deanna can only go every other week, this is her off week, but dad has been going every week with Nick.
Deanna had to take Airalynn to the doctors because she has been feeling sick, right after picking Ethan up from school. Airalynn has tonsillitis and a sinus infection.
Deanna wanted to show off that she got the Guild Battle Won alert after she played.
Deanna sitting in the Blue’s Clues station at Pix working on marketing.
Nick was bored, so he created a spreadsheet to track the Color Pin League scores of our close friends, automatically calculate averages and highlight the winner… NERD!
Deanna is starting her hobby back up off starting a podcast. Here you see her learning how to edit the audio files.

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