The McKelmann Photoblog

Thursday, March 4th 2021

Another great breakfast.
Loki being such a good boy hanging out with us while we work.
Had to take Airalynn to the school to go on her band trip to Boise for the basketball state tournament.
For lunch, we took Rex to get another wash… as you can tell in the mirror, he was soooo dirty.
Airalynn at the game.
Avery had the start of his hockey tournament.
Hockey mom all bundled up, cold, and watching the game!
Airalynn made some new friends, and hung out with old ones – she is having such a good time on her trip.
Since Deanna went to the hockey game, it gave Ethan and Nick some quality time to hang out. I took him to Carl’s Jr for dinner.
After the game, Deanna let Avery pick where he wanted to eat… Taco Bell.

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