The McKelmann Photoblog

Tuesday, March 2nd 2021

Tate all comfy saying Good Morning
Nick went to the gym by himself this morning, and saw the good news (not that we workout on Sundays, but we have the option now lol)
Early morning drop off of Airalynn… Avery barely awake
Checked on the engraving, and it turned out amazing, Now to give it the finishing touch with stain and polycrylic.
Tate and Gotham gathering some sun while we took those pictures.
We went to get a drink from Pick-me-up… Nick acting goofy.
After work, Airalynn had some errands to run, so Nick and her got some quality time together.
Yesterday we bought mom and dad a new rug for their loft area… While Airalynn and I were out we ran it to them.. they wanted to pose with it.
Evening wind down, Loki and Avery.
And Deanna and Oakleigh.

© The McKelmann Photoblog 2019-2025